This week has flown past. Adam has been busy scraping the old paint off the outside of the house. He has made pretty good progress on the front. Ran into some wood bees on the second floor. We will attack them this evening. Apparently, you spray them, soak a cotton ball with nail polish remover and shove it in their hole. Sounds kind of mean. I guess after living here unmolested for four to five years they probably think the house is theirs.
Kevin has been working on my kitchen wardrobe, when Restoration Hardware says "assembly required", you better listen. It looks awesome though. I ordered Salem Red milk paint to paint it with. We covered one wall with the new paper. It looks good, except the wall still looks a little lumpy. I guess I am going to prime over the paper for the rest of the walls. I like the paper it's bright, but looks really great with my orange mixing bowls, and red stand mixer! I'll post pictures soon.
We took the Herman, Scout and Sleepy to the vet today. The boys needed rabies shots and Sleepy her second set of puppy shots. My old much loved vet in Saint Peters had a dachshund, and my new one does too. Dr. P , the new vet, admired Herman's Puppia harness, since I recently found the three harnesses I misplaced on the move, so I gifted her Herman's orange one. One thing I have found is that locally there aren't the number of pet boutiques that we had in my old town. I bet Kevin is glad, my dogs have just about everything.Speaking of dogs, Sleepy figured out how to escape from the fenced in yard. We thought she jumped the fence until we caught her crawling back under it.
We ordered wood today. There is a family up the road from us who deliver wood, so we ordered three cords from them. This time we are getting them split and cut since it is late in the season. Adam and Kevin are hoping to harvest another cord from our property. Hopefully the downed trees aren't rotten although we can always order more if they are. I have learned that not everything I am concerned about is worth mentioning to the guys. Keeps the arguments down and things generally work out anyhow.
My Uncle Robert and his family are visiting next week. They live in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Robert is five years younger than me, my grandfather's youngest child. I guess they have never been this far north since Robert told me he thought they could make it up here in five hours. We live seven hours and some minutes from them.
I am roasting a chicken, making some of that great acorn squash I bought from a neighboring farm, and baking potatoes also local. It's kind of great knowing where your food comes from.
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