We finished papering the kitchen, it looks pretty good. I bought a brighter wallpaper than I normally would have. The kitchen, although it has four windows is pretty dark. Two of the windows open onto the porch, the other two are in the alcove so the main part of the room doesn't get too bright from them. I also got new counter tops, choosing a brownish red ceramic tile. It really warms the place up. All that is left is curtains, I chose a lime green gingham check and will make curtains for all of the windows as soon as it arrives. I will post pictures once I finish setting everything up. Kevin also finished the kitchen wardrobe, although I got the red milk paint I haven't started painting it yet. I chose the milk paint because the cabinet is a reproduction and during that period that was the paint people used. The paint comes dry and you mix it will water. I am going to try it out on some scraps of wood today.
It is raining today, the rain started last evening, knocking out the satellite internet, not a good sign for winter use. We didn't have a storm or anything, just a medium rain. The puppies are stir crazy and are running around pouncing on each other. It's kind of funny because Sleepy is about three times the size of Lady now, but Lady is the one who starts the rough play. She makes this little ninja sound and pounces at Sleepy. It can get pretty wild and normally we put them out in the yard, neither is staying out long in this rain.
Jay has a doctor's appointment today. I lost my appointment book so I can't remember what time it is. I am waiting for the medical center to open at 8:30 so I can call to check the time. I think it is either at 9:30 or 10. I bought a white board to log our appointments so this doesn't happen again.
The guys have been working on the pad for my barn. It should be here sometime in September. i have decided to wait until next Spring to get my milk cow. Waiting will give us time to set up the barn, get the pasture seeded, and the fences up.
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