The Farm

The Farm
This is the farmhouse

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving was good, we had dinner at the home of our friends and neighbors Larry, Deb and Amanda. Good food and good company! Kevin had most of the week off from school, and besides the daily work, we have kind of been relaxing and spending time together. Thanksgiving night, we spoke with Sarah and each of the grand kids, also heard from Marcus in South Korea, Jay and Adam were here with us. Kevin was a little disappointed that neither of his biological kids called, but we have come to accept that some are more family orientated than others. I wonder what will be left of the traditional holidays when this generation of non committed young people grow up. If you don't aspire to have a family is there really a point to family holidays. Kind of sad in a way, but enough on that topic.

We still haven't banked the house, and we are suffering with drafts on the floors. I crabbily face mornings running to the bathroom with bare feet. I really need to pay more attention to the placement of my slippers. Kevin hopes to get the plastic on the foundation tomorrow. We are also going to get the rest of the upstairs windows tomorrow too. The snow is really pretty and Adam went out hunting in it yesterday. Today is the last day of deer season, but no deers have even been spotted and the guys never made it to Solon. It's probably a good thing since we don't have a deep freeze yet, maybe next year. Adam is still hoping to get a snowshoe hare.

We finally got a dryer yesterday and I was very excited until we plugged it in only to realize that the 220 outlet wasn't wired into the box. We had originally planned to get a gas dryer, but Larry had this one for sale cheap. Kevin made a call to our electrician John and he will be out next week. It is a little disappointing, also we got a washer with the dryer, but the pump appears not to be working so I will have to deal with our old, ugly but functional machine for awhile longer. Oh well, I guess I wouldn't appreciate the good things if everything worked smoothly.

Jay is starting to get stressed about Christmas, Thanksgiving annoyed him a bit. We usually just eat at home and I guess he was expecting leftovers and was pretty annoyed when we didn't cook. The problem is that Jay can't express his expectations and if we don't anticipate them in advance he usually tantrums to some extent. It wasn't bad, but he is still kind of annoyed, I also fell short for his Black Friday plans. I will definitely cook on Christmas, fill the stockings, bake cookies, he'll get it all!

I went to town today, didn't shop much, got a couple of small things for Tristen. I am getting Elliott a Hallmark recordable book, and since we have no Hallmark stores locally, I will have to order it online. Christmas isn't going to be full of material things, but then again, we don't ever really go overboard. This year we plan to go even less so. I checked into knitting classes while in town, Carol at the yarn shop charges five dollars for three hours of lessons. I begin this week and my first project is going to be a hat. I also found a great new designer retail shop bought a really nice pair of jeans and another sweater for eleven dollars. It was nice getting out of the house for a couple of hours.


  1. You will love knitting Marcy! I am so happy I learned how. I am working on my first sweater. It relaxes me like nothing else!

  2. I'm really excited Patti, I know the basics of knitting as far as stitches, but don't know how to read patterns or decrease stitches. It is my hope to make socks for everyone next Christmas.
